A whisper of wings and other amazing things

Isn’t that how we look at that one night so long ago?

There is an element of the extraordinary, the inexplicable, and the most astonishing surrounding the announcement of a baby’s birth.

It would seem the supernatural world came down and danced with us mere mortals.

The true wonder is that the same miraculous things happen today. I’m not talking about angelic beings or spiritual anomalies that sometimes capture our attention.

Our Savior’s birth was just the beginning of the eternal love story between the Creator and His creations.

Oh that we would awaken Christmas morning to the true gifts Jesus wants each of us to have … to supernaturally love, forgive, sacrifice, and believe so that we may grow in our faith and obedience … to look to the heavens in wonder and awe of the
most perfect love story every created.

Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them … “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!” Luke 2:9-10, NLT

Christmas Blessings, Francine


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