Endings and Beginnings

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, Matthew 5:8

While the teaching in this beatitude seems a lofty goal, the promise is even loftier. Some would say, “Only the pure in heart can see God.”

But I think that the blessing and the promise are intricately woven together, and the obedience of our hearts brings a continued blessing of seeing God.

Some might think this a promise only fulfilled when we come face-to-face with our Creator. I don’t.

I think, in this teaching, seeing means experiencing God’s presence.

In order to allow God to totally and completely have His way with us, regardless of the outcome, we seek Him above and beyond anything else. Through reading His word, prayer, worship, praise, and obedience, our focus is both magnified and refined. When we do this, God’s spirit will speak to us and give us new insight and revelation of His word. As we are attuned to God, it’s as if He lifts a veil and reveals new truths to our circumstances.

Have you ever read a familiar scripture and found new meaning that undeniably applies to your circumstances? I’m not talking about picking up your Bible, allowing it to open at will, and then, with eyes closed, place your finger on the page and look at the words for some revelation.

If we are pursuing God, we read His word out of only one motivation – love, rather than seeking an answer or quick fix to a situation. This is where the promise is tied to the blessing. In our obedience, God speaks.

To experience God’s presence is an awesome thing. Sometimes a pastor’s sermon will touch our spirits in such a way that we know God is speaking to us. Often times, we see God in the beauty of His creation, be it nature or through unselfish acts of love. Sometimes it’s in the darkness of heartache, when we hear God’s whispers of comfort and hope. Or maybe, through music and song, our spirits sense our Creator’s presence.

God is available to anyone who seeks Him. It’s our choice. I pray that if you don’t know Him, you will choose to accept a heavenly invitation to allow His son into your heart and life.


While many commentaries and bibles define the Beatitudes within the parameters of Matthew 5:1-12, I’ve chosen to end with verse 8. My goal has been to address those teachings that could be applied on both a spiritual and personal level as they relate to how we grow spiritually and show how we can live out that teaching. While verses 9 through 12 are not any less important, my deepest desire is that readers might receive a new insight into loving God and loving others. I believe verses 1 through 8 are a point from which to begin.


As to beginnings, many are focusing on Christmas. Celebrations range from mild to chaotic and from excess to naught. In the midst of tradition, seasonal hustle and bustle, and meeting others’ expectations, we too easily forget the significance of the reason for the season.

Oh, we remember the baby in the manger and the Christmas story. However, I think we too often forget that Jesus was God incarnate. Think about that.

How can we possibly incorporate the truth of Christmas into just one day? To even imply it can be done in these twenty-five days is presumptuous. The truth is, if we could but capture a glimpse of our heart-felt desire to focus on the true reason for the season every day, we might encounter Jesus rather than Santa Clause as church bells proclaim Christmas morning.

I would invite you to return each of these twenty-five days. Maybe some verse of scripture or song will touch your life. That is my prayer.

There is a most wondrous scripture with which to begin.

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

Even in the most imaginative minds, who could have known the eternal ramifications of this prophecy and promise? God’s gift would shake this world from top to bottom and
irrevocably bind us to the Creator of the universe.

Blessings, Francine


    On 12:59 PM Magdaleine said...

    "In order to allow God to totally and completely have His way with us, regardless of the outcome, we seek Him above and beyond anything else. Through reading His word, prayer, worship, praise, and obedience, our focus is both magnified and refined. When we do this, God’s spirit will speak to us and give us new insight and revelation of His word. As we are attuned to God, it’s as if He lifts a veil and reveals new truths to our circumstances."

    Oh Francine, this is beautiful and so true! This is IT! THIS is the truth!

    "If we are pursuing God, we read His word out of only one motivation – love, rather than seeking an answer or quick fix to a situation. This is where the promise is tied to the blessing. In our obedience, God speaks."

    This too! Wow! You're getting to some really meaty thoughts.


    Maggie ... I'm so glad you are enjoying the blog. It is my hope to share what God's so graciously shown me. Your comments area blessing to me.

    Cami ... These entries are a joy and I'm so thankful God is using me this way. Thank you for your confirmation.

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