One Perfect Gift
Friday, December 02, 2005
Or maybe there is a memory of some grand toy – a wagon, a doll, or a bicycle – standing before the tree as twinkling lights cast a soft glow.
Remember how that felt?
In order to understand the magnitude of God’s gift of His son, it might help to understand the nature of God. Wait … I’m not going to expound on all God is. First of all, I doubt I could. Second, that’s not the point.
God’s nature is sinless. In simple terms, that means he cannot look on sin. And, that being the case, we cannot be reconciled to God because we have all sinned.
The Creator, in His infinite love and mercy, prepared the way by which we could experience His presence, both now and for eternity. You see, God’s nature requires atonement for sin. You can find the Creator’s guidelines throughout the Old Testament.
But He also knew his creation. As always, we had to put our spin on things. We put certain guidelines and regulations into the law – in other words, we complicated something simple.
God changed all that with Jesus.
And you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins, Matthew 1:21, New American Standard
Christmas Blessings, Francine