Simplicity at Christmas

Christmas pageants, addressing cards, office parties, shopping, baking cookies, relatives visiting, decorating the tree, meal planning, church services, work, more shopping, choir practice, school programs, movies and television specials, wrapping presents, stringing up lights, caroling, visiting friends and family, grocery shopping – just looking at the list is exhausting.

For most us, these time-consuming activities don’t begin or end with the holidays. It’s life. While the holidays may be filled with a few more parties and a few more relatives, we’ve become a society that barely has time to breathe.

The truth is that it’s hard to have clarity when there’s chaos all around us.

To begin celebrating our Savior, we don’t need anything other than God’s word and our time. Regardless of how busy we are, we can make time to focus on Jesus. You see, when we begin to do that, we've begun a relationship. That’s how we celebrate every day.

The more we seek Jesus, the more of Him there is in our lives.

“As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand. The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it – it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.” Luke 10:38-41, The Message

Commentaries tell us that Martha worried a lot. She wanted to please and serve others – in other words, she was focused on doing. Maybe, as the oldest, she was concerned about meeting certain expectations. Rather than relax and enjoy the presence of the Master, she was fussing around and obviously frustrated that her sister wasn’t helping.

If only we could have Mary’s priorities in this Martha-like world, we’d be enjoying the presence of the Master.

Christmas blessings, Francine


    Cami ... thanks for sharing about Martha -- what an encouragement for "us" Marthas.

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