Silent Night

In the silence of a wintry night, snow falls and softens the hard edges of broken dreams and empty promises. The soft sigh of a midnight breeze across the desert valley cools the heat of electric emotions that time and again are short-circuited by circumstance.

Within each lies a mystery clothed in beauty, speaking to our hearts in the language of nature’s extremes, whispering to us.

Sometimes the extremes of God can only be heard in the silence of our souls. Too often, the rumble and commotion of life distracts us, forcing us to be in almost constant motion. As long as we move in cadence to the world’s rhythm, we will find it difficult to hear the voice of the Creator.

Simplicity sometimes speaks more loudly than sophistication.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10, KJV


    On 3:35 PM Magdaleine said...

    "Sometimes the extremes of God can only be heard in the silence of our souls."

    VERY profound.

    This is good too: "As long as we move in cadence to the world’s rhythm, we will find it difficult to hear the voice of the Creator."

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