
Sometimes God's provision overwhelms me. Even in something as insignificant as the words I post here – He is so involved in my life. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He weaves Himself intricately into the lives of those who love Him and seek to do His will.

It would seem that He couldn’t possibly be concerned with each of us – especially in the wake of tragedies. Yet He is – but only if we let Him. If we refuse His offer to guide and direct us – which comes with our submission and obedience to not just follow but do – then He whispers our name and murmurs the things we need to hear, be it words of comfort or guidance.

Taking a break from the Beatitudes wasn’t an easy decision – from my human perspective. I’m so thankful that a spiritual perspective guides my life because I was available for God to use me in the wake of so much heartache our country is now mired in. Yet, to remain caught up in these things, particularly if we aren’t directly involved in them, hinders God. We can use the compassion He fills us with in so many ways to reach out to others. But we must be prepared.

The spiritual sequence to these most recent posts gives a deeper appreciation for all the blessings and promises of the Beatitudes. No, it’s not a perfect world. And once we understand that Jesus is constantly overcoming the world, we can look at spiritual preparation. Don’t be deceived … there is a spiritual battle in the heavenly realms and it’s a battle for not only your soul, but it is also a battle for your peace. If you aren’t prepared, you will be wounded. (See July 29 entry, Dress for Success).

But how do we prepare for the battles of the heart and spirit? Certainly, we can follow Paul’s words in putting on the Armor of God. However, there is such simple yet powerful meaning in the words Jesus gave prior to His crucifixion.

I wonder what was going through His mind on that last evening with His disciples. He knew what was ahead, yet despite the swift-approaching agony, He took no thought for Himself. Instead, he left words for his disciples*. And if we have accepted him as our savior, then these words are for each of us as well. It’s up to you to find time to allow them to penetrate your spirit.

You can find hope and assurance in Jesus’ words. He’s proved it repeatedly to millions who’ve fallen in love with Him.

Blessings, Francine

*John 16


    Cami ... thanks for pointing this out. Sometimes the only way we gain something is to lose something else.

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