
I would think that many of us have gone through numerous changes in the last week and a half. Our hearts have been broken – either in suffering the loss or from the compassion we feel when viewing the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Our country is exhibiting care for the millions of poor in spirit.

We see people from all walks of life alongside huge corporations and foreign countries putting forth a monstrous effort in donating money, needed items, and services. Around the world, prayers are being lifted up.

To use an often-quoted expression, “Nothing is as constant as change.”

I don’t know of too many people who enjoy change. It’s usually unexpected and, even when it’s planned, it’s fraught with uncertainty. The unknown can be frightening.

Regardless of all the unknowns in this world, we can cling to the assurance God is in control. We may never know all the good that comes from catastrophe, but one thing seems clear – in the midst of destruction, hearts open to those less fortunate. We really do strive to love our neighbor as ourselves – we treat others as we would like to be treated. It’s unfortunate that it often takes tragedy to bring about this kind of transformation. Still, it is a reason for hope.

If we take time to prepare, then neither changes nor the unknown will damage or destroy our spirits.

As I prepare for a trip back to the United States on September 11, I realize that our country never expected to experience something greater than the events of that day. Certainly, there are important differences in that the attacks on September 11 were deliberate and intended to wound and kill. Yet I know many recognize, both as individuals and as a nation, we are vulnerable. Again, I can only find strength and comfort through the awesome power of the great I AM.

I’ve come to understand that those two words imply much more than they appear. God didn’t use the past or future tense when telling Moses who He was. We find the Creator in the here and now. He alone possesses eternal power and unchanging character in a world of constant change. I AM is the security and stability we can cling to.

Blessings, Francine

*Exodus 3:14

Note: Monday’s entry will be delayed a day or two as I adjust to jet lag.

SPECIAL NOTE: I pray that each commentary I write here will bless you but please understand that each is built on previous entries. I’ve tried to build a Biblical basis from which my thoughts are developed. It’s important that you understand “my words” aren’t the end of the story, so to speak. I would encourage you to check out previous entries if you have questions concerning what I’ve written. Also, I’ve included links to several web sites that can provide much more detailed guidance than I’m able to do here. Check out “Running Empty” or “Power to Change” (see list of links to the right). For more in-depth study, you can visit “Now Try God” at or “New Christian Life” at as additional resources. The bottom line – don’t accept what I say as gospel. That’s what the Bible is for. As always, I welcome your comments or you can contact me at


    On 1:07 PM Magdaleine said...

    Francine, that is a powerful insight--that the One who calls Himself I AM does so to let us know that he is in the here and now. Good word!


    Cami and Magdaleine ... thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

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