Getting it Right
Friday, July 08, 2005

Sometimes, those of us who are perfectionists, tend to place a higher value on getting things right rather than on getting things done. In other words, we are guided more by our concern of what others might think than what God might think. I
I must confess that I’ve been one of those people.
To be used by God is my heart’s desire. Yet, I’ve procrastinated adding to this blog because I wanted to get it right. In other words, if I didn’t believe what I wrote was absolutely perfect, then I wasn’t going to post it.
Silly me. Of course it isn’t going to be perfect. Nothing in this world is. Nevertheless, I let my need for approval keep me from one of the avenues God has opened for me to follow His will.
It’s made me wonder how many others diligently strive to do whatever it is they feel led by God to do but never complete it because, like me, they want it to be perfect.
I don’t want to imply everyone is like this. Yet, I believe there are those who desperately seek validation in the eyes of others. I believe it’s human nature to do so. But I also know that in the Spiritual Realm, our worth and value come from being a child of God.
Getting it right has nothing to do with perfection and everything to do with following God’s leading. I was reminded in one of my devotions how Noah responded to God’s leading. If he had been concerned about getting it right … well, I suppose it’s possible none of us would be here. I mean, it’s easy for us to visualize it raining for forty days and forty nights. Here’s a man building an ark on dry land – and, in a world that didn’t even know what rain was.
I know there are hundreds of examples in the Bible that illustrate that getting it right usually meant doing something others would not agree with. But then, I guess that’s how it is when we choose to follow God’s will and not the world’s way.
My prayer is that I continue to realize my purpose isn’t about fulfilling my plans but rather, it’s all about fulfilling God’s plans.
It’s my desire to share those things I believe God is teaching me. And, do it on a regular basis. For those returning readers, please forgive the lapse of entries. For those new to my blog, come back again. I promise not to wait till I get things perfect but will act on getting it right.
Blessings, Francine
P.S. God's perfection surrounds us. This photo, taken during a recent trip to Ireland, that shows just how perfect our Creator is.
Cami and Cathi ... you are both wonderful sisters-in-Christ and I treasure your comments.
Thank you for visiting here, and for sharing your thoughts with me.
May God richly bless you ... and others who find their way here.