
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, Jeremiah 29:11, New International Version.

For those of you who have visited my blog in the past, you know that there’s not been any activity for the past six months. I returned to my home in the United States in February and have been in the process of catching up. It’s been a homecoming in one of the truer senses of the word – returning to my family after a three-year stay in Germany.

Since then, my husband and I have been refurbishing our home, reacquainting ourselves with friends, and re-establishing ourselves within our church and local community. It’s been full of hard work, laughter, and bittersweet memories. Most importantly, it’s been a time of new spiritual directions and growth.

There were times when I worried over my inactivity here but I try not to do things based on my feelings or emotions. There would be a time when God would lead me back.

It’s funny how God works in our lives, using anything and everything to speak to us. As a writer, one of my greatest pleasures is writing. Yet, I sometimes life gets in the way. That’s when the Creator of the universe steps in and gently reminds me of His plans for me. Moreover, each time is like a homecoming.

This verse from Jeremiah has brought me hope over the years … kind of like a light in the darkness of confusion. It also has given me reassurance. If I’m attuned to God’s moving in my life, He makes those plans known. Maybe not the whole picture but certainly the direction I should take. As my trust and faith grow, so does my ability to take just one step into the plans my Father has for me.

You may notice something new on my blog. In all honesty, it’s only through the help of a dear friend that I’m now “connected” to a web ring of other Christian bloggers. God used one friend’s obedience to reach out and show me it was time to take that one step.

I pray that He might speak to each of you.

Blessings, Francine


    On 8:11 AM Unknown said...

    Welcome back, Francine! You've been missed in the blogsphere! I'm so honored to have you and your Spirit-filled messages at Lindenville Cafe!

    On 2:09 PM Magdaleine said...

    Good to see you blogging again, Francine!

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