Do you remember?
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I think it’s vital that we remember special events, especially as they relate to our spiritual growth. It’s not an easy thing to do and it isn’t something that can be completed in a short amount of time. Yet, the hard work is worth it.
You see, even documenting painful experiences can give us a glimpse of how the Creator of the universe comes close to the brokenhearted. For me, it’s been during the most heartbreaking times that I’ve discovered just how much God comforted me and how much I grew spiritually.
Everyone will face the death of a loved one, the threat of disease, and all kinds of losses. We wonder how we will carry on. I can share from personal experience – I believed I couldn’t cope with those things, but I did. Certainly, I felt grief and suffering but God gave me strength to not only survive the deep darkness of immense sorrow, but a supernatural peace.
And those sorrowful experiences where God stepped in have been crucial in strengthening my faith. Let’s face it, if our Creator can get us through devastating loss, He can guide us in day-to-day living lives full of stress and anxiety.
The important thing is to remember.
I would encourage you to take the time and develop what I call life markers. I started with major milestones, so to speak, and then filled in other things in as I remembered.
I must confess, I was amazed to see God’s footprints more clearly in the landscapes of my grief-stricken darkness.
The more I worked on my life markers, the more I saw God’s presence in my life, and the more I trusted Him.
There are plenty of scriptures encouraging us to remember God’s laws, words, and comfort. Learning about different people in the Bible shows how others were able to reflect on all that God had done for them. One of the more interesting, and possibly less known, is Asaph. You’ll find him in the Psalms.
Asaph was one of David’s choir leaders and is credited with Psalms 73-83. The first psalm he wrote is one many could probably identify with. I particularly like him because he’s brutally honest in asking why life is so unfair.
His words in Psalm 77 are a beautiful reminder that even in the darkest of times, God’s footprints across our hearts and lives brings us to a place of refuge and sanctuary.
“I recall all you have done, O Lord. I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about them. O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of miracles and wonders!” Psalm 77:11-14, NLT.
If you remember nothing else, remember this: Satan would like nothing better than for us to forget God’s presence in our lives.
Blessings, Francine
SPECIAL NOTE: I pray that each commentary I write here will bless you, but please understand that some are built on previous entries. I’ve tried to build a Biblical basis from which my thoughts are developed. It’s important that you understand “my words” aren’t the end of the story, so to speak. I would encourage you to check out previous entries if you have questions concerning what I’ve written. Also, I’ve included links to several web sites that can provide much more detailed guidance than I’m able to do here. Check out “Running Empty” or “Power to Change” (see list of links to the right). For more in-depth study, you can visit “Now Try God” at or “New Christian Life” at as additional resources. The bottom line – don’t accept what I say as gospel. That’s what the Bible is for. An excellent on-line resource is at
Another good site is Crossmap, at and not just because my inspirational messages can now be found there. This organization, which has been running since 2000, serves the Christian community as a web portal. There are great columns by talented nationally known writers and pastors, a wide variety of other Christian sites, news, and commentaries.
As always, I welcome your comments or you can contact me at