Desires of the Heart

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart, Psalm 37:4, NIV

I sometimes wonder what God has planned for me in the next step of my life. I say this with excitement and anticipation. Although I am often heavy laden with the work at hand, I believe God blesses each of us more abundantly in the things that make our hearts sing.

It's not that He withholds blessings from His children. But if we truly delight ourselves in the Lord, we more easily hear and follow Him. God wants to give us the desires of our heart and when we have an intimate relationship with Him our hearts are exactly where He wants them to be.

The human side of me – that which Satan loves to tamper with – tries to convince me that the direction I’m walking is purely of my desires. But, that isn't true.

When I know God has led me to a certain place or His intervention has taken me away from the tangible, fruits of my labor for Him, I’m to respond obediently. I can’t let myself become so regimented to schedules and deadlines that I cannot recognize the times when God steps in.

It may be ministering to a friend or family member going through a rough time. It may come in the form of taking time to enjoy my grandchildren. It may even involve some alone time with my husband. Regardless of what it is, I know that God orchestrates my life. All I’m responsible for is joining my Father in His work. True, we can use these things as diversions. However, if we are close to God and meet Him daily, we can usually sense in our spirit what we’re to do.

These interruptions truly bring us to the next step on our spiritual journey. I think that is what faith is. We take a step but it isn't linear ... it's a vertical step and from this higher vantage point we gain new perspective. We are able to see above our circumstances and glimpse the Creator of the universe being creative in our lives. Every step of obedience, regardless of how small, brings us to a higher place where we will find the desires of our heart.

Blessings, Francine

Fellowship of the Rings

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12, New International Version

I recently watched the first movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy – Fellowship of the Ring. The movie is rich with meaning and this first one begins a tale of friendship.

We all have friendships. Some span a lifetime. Some are based on mutual interests, family, career, social, or based on other reasons.

I like the word fellowship because it conjures up something active – the idea of people responding to and caring for others.

Those friends in LOTR were brought together during a time of danger. They didn’t know each other but the bond of a common faith, desire, and goal cemented them, one to another. They were as diverse a group as one could find in demeanor, appearance, and background. Yet each had a unique strength and when combined together, they faced evil that gave every indication of overpowering supremacy. Their fellowship accomplished the unthinkable.

It was their faith in overcoming darkness, their trust in the light of truth, and their belief in the fellowship of the ring that ultimately brought victory.

Too often, we see our faith as something less. It’s not. We battle unseen forces. I’m not talking so much about demons, although Paul tells us our battles are not with flesh and blood but with demons over whom Satan has control.

True, these are grand challenges that we usually recognize and, in so doing, we realize our need of God’s power. Nevertheless, our giants can be as innocuous as the worry and fear that plague our every day lives. Our sight isn’t always as clear in these personal battles. Yet, our God can strengthen us to live victoriously in the small things.

What does all this have to do with the fellowship of the rings?”

I’ve joined a group of Christian writers in a web ring, Lindenville CafĂ©. Visitors can easily click to another blog of inspirational words. It is my hope that by joining together, as those characters did in LOTR, we can encourage others with the hope found in the Creator’s light and truth.

I invite you to browse the ring. I think you’ll find a diversity of talent. I know you’ll find people just like yourselves who share God’s truth in the realities of their own lives.

Blessings, Francine
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